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Crime Tips & Prevention
For a crime to happen, a motivated criminal has to be present and an opportunity has to exist. Help prevent crime by taking steps to make your home, family, neighborhood and business safer and unattractive to criminals.
At Home
- Avoid confrontations with burglars.
- Lock all doors, even if you are at home.
- If you are leaving for vacation, be sure your house doesn't look empty. Make it look "lived in". Activate timers for light switches, and order a temporary hold to newspaper and mail delivery, or have friend pick up mail and other items delivered to your home.
Keep Kids Safe
- Be sure your children are aware of "stranger danger"
- Know who your children's friends and contacts are when talking or texting on social networks.
Pickens County Sheriff's Office asks Pickens County residents to call 911 immediately whenever they see suspicious vehicles or people in your communities.
Please call (205) 367-2000 or email with any tips you may have regarding crimes and missing or wanted persons.